MICE & DMC's Agenda

23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Learn from the best professionals of the MICE sector

MICE, which stands for Meetings, Incentives, Conference/Conventions and Exhibitions/Events, represents the niche hospitality market that is being adopted increasingly in the corporate world due to its ability to inspire employees by providing accommodating environments and tailor-made services. The MICE Industry can be broken down into four big groups: 

  • Meetings: Business meetings could be anything from director-only board annual general meetings to a training seminar. Basically, any group of people gathering in a common location, for a common reason, is a type of meeting.
  • Incentives: Incentives are a way to motivate or reward associates, dealers or any employee of a company, according to their previous performance or as a way to build teamwork. As the context of travel varies, they can count on the advisory of local convention bureaus of the targeted destinations.
  • Conference: Corporate conferences usually gather a group of people by profession or personal interest in a specific field, looking for information exchange and discussion about a certain topic. These conventions require complex planning and the itinerary organization well in advance. They differ from meetings mainly because of scale.
  • Exhibitions: Exhibitions are also known for their extensive planning. They usually are highly produced trade shows that bring products to their audience. They could be either business selling to other businesses (B2B) or straight to the final consumer (B2C)

What to expect?

The MICE SUMMIT powered by MPI Iberian will analyze how the MICE industry has been forced to reinvent itself in the last few months and how the future of this segment will be. The new mantras in the events industry, the best practices and the new ROI of hybrid events, how to cope with two audiences (onsite and online) and how technology is evolving to carter the new demands are some of the topics of this vertical summit, co-organized by MPI Iberian Chapter.

Who should attend?

  • Convention Bureaus
  • Venues
  • DMCs
  • PCO (Professional Congress Organizer)
  • Event Services Providers
  • Hotels
  • Catering
  • Travel Officer Manager
  • Tour Operators
  • Organisations