Touristech Startup Fest

Winners 2023

23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Touristech Startup Fest 2023 winners

The Touristech Startup Fest 2023 has gathered more than 700 startups from all around the world that presented their innovative projects for the travel and tourism industry. 40 of them were selected to pitch in front of investors, business angels and leading companies at TIS 2023. The Touristech Startup Fest is aimed to give visibility to innovative projects and proposals that are transforming, reactivating and bringing new business models to the tourism industry.  Digital twin for hotels, artificial intelligence solutions and sustainable car rental and award-winning projects were the solutions rewarded at the Touristech Startup Fest 2021.


Touristech Startup Fest 2023 Winners

· Andalucía LAB Award: 

iUrban – For Ciceron, a tourism platform with artificial intelligence that uses ChatGPT to personalise the tourist experience and works as if it were a 24/7 tourist office in more than 94 languages.


· CaixaBank Award: 

Hotelverse – for a project that revolutionises the model for booking rooms and hotel services prior to the stay: a digital twin of the hotel that allows guests to have a complete experience and control of their booking: from flying over the hotel, exploring its facilities, personalising a specific room to the maximum and booking it.


· La Fábrica de Sevilla Award: 

BuscoExtra – for providing hoteliers with a technological solution that allows them to hire a worker in 2 hours including all the procedures for registering and signing the contract anywhere in Spain.


· Telefónica Award: 

Aphy – a robotic process automation tool in the sector, which facilitates the integration of systems and operational optimisation of hotels with a fully managed service.



DNA – Digital Nomads Association Portugal – an association created in 2022 to promote Portugal to attract digital nomads, through the creation of hubs, events, communities and promotion of destinations with ideal conditions for remote work.


· WTTC Award: – the first Eastern European RV rental marketplace with a focus on sustainability that responds to the growing trend of camping & campervanning and the desire to travel more sustainably. are revolutionising the way RV rental is currently consumed in Europe by promoting more sustainable electric RVs first and making them available though their RV rental marketplace.


· NEBEXT Award for free participation in TIS2024: 

Curated Planet – The startup provides a centralised communication and location platform for tour operators, sharing information to facilitate tour operations and automating the distribution of welcome messages, disclaimers, travel documents, tips, surveys, feedback collection and cross-selling.


· La Salle Technova:

Passporter – A technological tool that accompanies tourists in all phases of the journey, creating a community that plans, shares and inspires with their experiences and travel itineraries.

Turbosuite – For an initiative that combines data analysis, artificial intelligence and the experience of experts to facilitate the revenue management of accommodations and maximise their profitability.

Visionary Hospitality – For the creation of Sigho, an intelligent system made up of different solutions for complete hotel management: from customer relations to event management, point of sale, accounting, ordering, etc.

In Collaboration with:

La Salle Technova renueva su marca en el marco de su 20 aniversario