Facts & Figures

23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Tourism Industry Revolution: Trends and Insights

The tourism industry is undergoing a revolution, driven by emerging technologies, changing consumer preferences, and global events. As we move into 2023, the industry is set to experience even more profound shifts, shaping the way we travel, where we go, and how we experience destinations.

The tourism industry is evolving rapidly, driven by new trends and changing consumer preferences. One of the biggest shifts is the rise of sustainable travel, as more travelers seek eco-friendly accommodations and carbon-neutral transportation. At the same time, technology is transforming the travel experience, from digital booking to virtual and augmented reality. With safety and health concerns taking priority, destinations are investing in new measures, such as contactless check-ins and digital health passes. Meanwhile, travelers are looking for unique and authentic experiences, fueling the growth of off-the-beaten-path destinations and personalized itineraries. For businesses and entrepreneurs, these changes create exciting new opportunities to innovate and meet the needs of today’s travelers.

Overall, the tourism industry is undergoing a period of revolution, with emerging technologies, changing consumer preferences, and global events shaping the way we travel. As we move into 2023, the industry is set to experience even more profound shifts, as businesses and destinations adapt to meet the needs of today’s travelers.

Tourism Innovation Summit brings technology closer to the tourism sector to improve its competitiveness and restart the new ways of travel.

Travel and Tourism sector will grow at a rate of 5.8% annually in the next 10 years

126 Million New jobs by 2032

The global travel technologies market is expected to reach $12.5 bilion by 2026 growing at a CAGR of 6.8% over the years.

Blockchain and AI to Radically Transform Travel Industry