23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Francisco José Morcillo Balboa

CEO | Consultant and blogger
Francisco José Morcillo Balboa

With experience in both the public and private sectors, they focus their professional activity on innovation and planning in the digital transformation of territories, cities, and smart destinations. As the CEO of MB3, they lead a team of professionals, including consultants, analyst-programmers, data scientists, and facilitators. This team plans, operates platforms for intelligent management, and develops Big Data analysis, Business Intelligence (BI), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, along with tools for data extraction, analysis, visualization, and prediction for cities, territories, and tourist destinations. Additionally, they regularly publish on the influential blog www.franciscomorcillo.com. They frequently participate as a speaker in national and international forums, collaborate with specialized magazines and thematic blogs, as well as engage in influencer programs with multinational companies and institutions to promote and develop city digitization.
