Tourism Innovation Global Summit 2024

Digital & CIOs Agenda

23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Digital business in the tourism industry

Innovation and transformation are the words that business leaders hear more and more. In the midst of the digital revolution, where different technologies facilitate and force transformation, CIOs face the challenge of leading their organizations by offering innovative use of IT. 

What to expect? Faced with such a changing reality and an increasingly demanding consumer, technology is becoming a great ally for destinations, airlines, hotel companies, distribution channels, and others. In our Digital & CIOs Agenda will present solutions such as the Internet of Things, Big Data, predictive analytics, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, cybersecurity, or contactless are the key to the survival of any tourist business.

Who should attend?

CIO’s of companies of the following segments:

  • Accommodation
  • Airlines
  • Airports
  • Cruises
  • Railway stations
  • Theme Parks
  • Museums
  • Destination managers
  • Distribution channels

What to expect?

Faced with such a changing reality and an increasingly demanding consumer, technology is becoming a great ally for destinations, airlines, hotel companies, distribution channels, and others. In our Digital & CIOs Agenda will present solutions such as the Internet of Things, Big Data, predictive analytics, Artificial Intelligence, robotics, cybersecurity, or contactless are the key to the survival of any tourist business.


Who should attend?

CIO’s of companies of the following segments:

  • Accommodation
  • Airlines
  • Airports
  • Cruises
  • Railway stations
  • Theme Parks
  • Museums
  • Destination managers
  • Distribution channels