23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

TIS – Tourism Innovation Summit 2020 is the professional Summit dedicated to define the recovery framework for travel and tourism industry. It is where tourism leaders and experts are invited to discuss strategies and solutions in order to create a reactivation plan for 2021.

For that reason, it is necessary to create this discussion in a physical Summit. This Summit gathers professional attendees with specific meetings and agendas that are strategic for the future of their organizations. That is why this event is considered a work activity.

In order to follow the current authorities’ regulations regarding mobility due to COVID-19, you must justify that you are travelling for professional purposes.

Please download and fill in the mobility certificate and bring it with you all the time from departure and back home to facilitate your trip to the Summit.

NEBEXT – NEXT BUSINESS EXHIBITIONS SL as Organizer of TIS | Tourism Innovation Summit, in collaboration with FIBES SEVILLA (a Safe Tourism Certified Venue accredited by ICTE, the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality regarding all protocols for Health risk prevention system) have been in charge of preparing an edition in accordance with the recommendations of the health authorities, the Ministry of Health, the WHO and the UFI (Global Association of the Exhibitions Industry) the framework of the following recommendations will provide us all with a safe environment so that you only have to worry about business.