23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Alvaro Carrillo de Albornoz Braojos

General Director
Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero - ITH
Alvaro Carrillo de Albornoz Braojos

Aeronautical engineer and executive MBA from Instituto de Empresa (ie Business School). IESE Innovation Program.

He began his professional career in the 90s in the aerospace consulting world and brings a global perspective towards innovation, technology, and sustainability after 8 years at Endesa, in R&D&I and Corporate Strategy departments, and 15 years in the tourism sector.

Since 2008, he has been directing the Hotel Technology Institute (ITH) as a reference for improving competitiveness in the hotel sector through innovation, sustainability, and technology. He combines this role with being the director of the Tourism Technology Platform; ThinkTur, president of the eAPyme association (for the digital transformation of SMEs and self-employed professionals), and as an associate professor in the strategy area at the Instituto de Empresa.

Additionally, he collaborates as an expert with the European Commission in defining a European standard for R&D&I management in CEN/TC 389.
