23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Carmen Bustos de la Torre

Soulsight Design Strategy
Carmen Bustos de la Torre

Co-founder of Soulsight, her primary role is to use creativity, strategic design, and humanities to understand societal changes and their implications for businesses. She has spent over 18 years collaborating with CEOs and leaders who want to challenge the status quo, identify business opportunities, and create more human-centered organizations. She places a strong emphasis on leadership, with clients such as Adolfo Dominguez, Cartier, Only You, ING, Westfield, and BMW. Carmen has also founded Wander, a social research lab, to address significant societal issues across sectors, and a school of thought. She shares her vision through talks and articles and collaborates with business and design schools. Forbes magazine recognized her as one of the 100 most creative people in Spain in 2021 and 2023. She recently received the Canal CEO award for Humanist Leaders in the DUX Talent category.
