23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Cristina Zaforteza Fortuny

Jardines de Alfabia
Cristina Zaforteza Fortuny

Cristina Zaforteza is, since 2016, manager of Alfabia, a private estate in the hands of a Mallorcan family with more than 800 years of history, located in the heart of the Serra de Tramontana – a UNESCO World Heritage Site; the house and gardens of the same name were declared a national monument in the middle of the last century and an Asset of Cultural Interest at the beginning of this one. The property has been open for tourist visits for more than 70 years and for private and company events for 6 years.
Always concerned about the island’s millenary heritage and culture, she is president of the SET of culture of the Aetib, vice-president of ABACTUR and member of the board of directors of Essencially Mallorca.
After completing a management development programme at IESE, She is currently finishing her degree in tourism at the UNED.
