23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Cui Li

Cui Li

Li Cui joined Qyer.com in February 2016. She is the co-founder of Qyer.com and the CEO of Roca Culture. She is responsible for core businesses such as the company’s brand, market, advertising commercialization, public relations and corporate social responsibility. During this period, she led the team to explore and optimize the resource advantages of the company’s content and traffic, and develop a multi-far revenue model. At the same time, Cui has been deeply involved in the tourism industry and advertising circle for nearly 16 years. She has rich experience in advertising and marketing on all media platforms such as newspapers, magazines, TV, and the Internet, as well as overseas destination marketing. She is especially focusing on the analysis of travel user groups and behaviors, brand integrated marketing, and the exploration of traffic value, integrating Internet + tourism and cross-border resources, and committing to the new development of the tourism industry.
