23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Guillermo Rademakers

Vice President Total Rewards
Guillermo Rademakers

I am a believer in People & Culture, and I am an achiever through Total Rewards to make things happen as a business partner. I thrive unlearning to maker room learn, I am curious and I am aware that it can be improved so, I embrace change, that is my constant, and I lead with positivism. Everything is about a conversation, so let´s connect and start one. The summary of my professional career:
– Total Rewards Advisor with over twenty years of experience, with perspective as Compensation & Benefits Director, Rewards consulting and at HR software development. Functional mentor and executive coach by @ICF
– Executive Master of Human Resource Management and Organisation by ESIC
– Executive Master MBA by Gio Universidad Politécnica Madrid
– Industrial Engineer by Universidad Politécnica Cataluña
– Speaker at different business schools (Total Rewards – HR – Knowledge Management – Engagement)
– Polyglot with a diverse cultural background (mix of 4 languages and international focus)
