23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Ibrahim Osta

Sr. Advisor, Economic Growth and Trade
Chemonics International
Ibrahim Osta

Ibrahim Osta is an international tourism expert who previously served as chief of party for USAID’s Jordan Building Economic Sustainability through Tourism Project and has led USAID tourism development projects in Jordan since 2005. As the chief of party for the Jordan Tourism Development Project and its successor projects, Ibrahim managed a wide portfolio of initiatives aimed at enhancing tourism in Jordan. These include conservation and presentation of archaeological sites, such as Petra, Amman’s five-millennia-old Citadel, and the Roman city of Jerash; enlisting new UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as Wadi Rum; nature and cultural trail development; higher education and vocational training in tourism and hospitality; destination promotion; and visitor services programs.
