23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Inmaculada Armenteros

Inmaculada Armenteros

Born entrepreneur. I have led several projects in different sectors: renewable energies, consulting and internationalization. I have also developed my professional career as an employee in companies in the chemical, industrial and IT sectors. With extensive professional experience in business management, commercial management and business development.

Currently I lead Clic Order, a startup in the Hospitality sector, which digitizes and optimizes the purchase management in companies of the sector: Hotels, Restaurants, Nightclubs, etc.
Clic Order offers a Mise-en-Place that combines Intelligent Purchasing Management with competitiveness improvement tools: applied BI, financing solutions, better prices, customizable logistics, etc.
We optimize purchasing management with innovative tools, based on the digitization of processes together with advanced services for companies in the sector.

That’s me, curious, restless and always eager to learn and undertake.
