23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Juan Serra Mari

Only YOU Hotels
Juan Serra Mari

“A native of Ibiza, he holds a degree in Law and an MBA from ESADE (Barcelona). He has spent his entire professional career within the Matutes Group of Companies, spanning various sectors (shipping, distribution, hospitality) and corporate roles, always in leadership positions and as an executive member of the Boards of Directors of different companies. Since 2004, he has been a member of the Board of Directors and General Manager of the urban hotel division of PALLADIUM HOTEL GROUP, which has operated under the brands AYRE HOTELS and ONLY YOU HOTELS. He led the creation and launch of the latter hotel concept, which, after establishing itself in Spain, is now beginning its international expansion into Italy and the United States. He is a member of the ESG Committee at Palladium Hotel Group, and for him, human teams are the key to any initiative.
