23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Karl Wurster

USAID | BiH’s Economic Development Office
Karl Wurster

Karl Wurster, a diplomat with USAID since 2008, is the Director of USAID/BiH’s Economic Development Office where he oversees the strategic development and management of USAID’s $77m economic portfolio covering activities in the energy (Energy Policy Activity), private sector investment (Diaspora Invest), digitalization (E-Governance Activity), banking (FINRA), and tourism (Turizam Activity) sectors.

His fourteen year diplomatic career has spanned Europe, Africa, and Asia; living and working in Morocco, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, and Nepal, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. With USAID, he has managed a variety of nature-based tourism development projects in Africa and Asia. He has also worked as the Digital Advisor with the Bureau for Resilience and Food Security at USAID headquarters.
