23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Leila Tekaia Zafra

Director France, Portugal & Spain
Tunisian National Tourist Board
Leila Tekaia Zafra

Born in 1964, the year the Civil Rights Act was adopted in the United States, I was influenced by its ideals of equality and justice. With a background in literature and international relations studies, I dedicated 33 years to the Ministry of Tourism, championing equality and inclusion. I trained young executives, launched awareness campaigns, and engaged in international humanitarian missions.
Currently overseeing major source markets – France, Spain, and Portugal – I’m innovating as a digital nomadic promoter. My role involves exploring innovative ways to promote tourism while minimizing our carbon footprint. Isn’t this Tunisia’s way to contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and preserving our planet for future generations? My commitment to these ideals remains unwavering, reflecting my quest for truth and justice in an ever-evolving world. My journey testifies to a life dedicated to social justice, equality, and environmental sustainability.
