23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Lindsay Garvey – Jones

AWTE (Association of Women Travel Executives)
Lindsay Garvey – Jones

With a distinguished 36-year career in travel, including 11 years as National Retail Manager at Holiday Extras, this individual drives positive change. They’ve led at AWTE since 2014, advancing women in travel through skill-building and confidence. Honored with awards like the LGBTQIA+ Pride Champion and AWTE Honorary Award, their advocacy for diversity and inclusion is evident. A gender equality advocate, they foster workplace cultures through collaboration and best practices, while promoting allyship and male role models. As an NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, they champion positive mental health, offering expertise on burnout, boundaries, and growth mindset. Co-founding Travel Talks Menopause, they educate the industry on menopause support, promoting talent retention and inclusion. Their enduring commitment leaves a transformative impact on travel, fostering growth, inclusivity, and a resilient workforce.
