23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Virginia Blasco Peir

Cinco Estrellas Club
Virginia Blasco Peir

I have developed my career in the tourism industry for nearly 20 years at Cinco Estrellas Club, a family-owned company. I have worked my way up from the booking department, operations, and product management, eventually becoming the Product Director until 2020. This experience allowed me to gain insights into nearly all areas of the business. Combined with my background in finance and business management, it has provided me with a 360-degree perspective, and I was recently appointed CEO of the company.

During the pandemic, I took on the challenge of adapting the company to the new times and repositioning 5EstrellasClub as a leader in the tour operation market. I firmly believe that continuous learning and perseverance are the best strategies for growth and adapting to the changes required in today’s era.

I consider myself an optimistic, proactive, solution-oriented individual with a strong work ethic. I value doing things well and maintaining close relationships with clients.
