Tourism Innovation Global Summit 2024

CMOs & CSOs Agenda

23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

The importance of marketing and security in your tourism business

Advances in technology have changed the way we travel, increasing customer experience. The new demands of a very changing and increasingly demanding consumer make CMO a key profile in the tourism industry to attract new clients. Also, cybersecurity is nowadays more important than ever to protect any business and for that reason, the role of the CSO is getting more and more relevant in organisations. 

What to expect?

Learn digital marketing with the CMOs & CSOs Agenda, a set of integrated techniques and technologies that allow you to create new products, services and content. Enter new markets, improve the customer experience, engage in dynamic conversation, and ultimately target, acquire, and retain your customers. And also technologies to protect your digital business. 

Who should attend?

CMO’s, CSO’s and Revenue Managers of companies of the following segments:

  • Accommodation
  • Airlines
  • Airports
  • Cruises
  • Railway stations
  • Theme Parks
  • Museums
  • Destination managers
  • Distribution channels