23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Ana Moniche

Head of European Projects and International Network
Turismo y Deporte de Andalucia
Ana Moniche

Ana brings extensive experience to the realm of tourism statistics, encompassing data collection, analysis, and reporting. Her expertise has contributed to advancing sustainable tourism measurement methodologies. Notably, she have collaborated with renowned international organizations like UNWTO.
Her educational background is grounded in economics, urban planning, and environmental management, culminating in a Ph.D. in data-driven policymaking. Her scholarly contributions are evident through their published works, focusing on topics such as energy policy and sustainable tourism indicators. Furthermore, she has actively advocated for improved statistical practices, particularly through her engagement with NECSTouR.
Over the years, she has actively participated in the establishment of the Tourism of Tomorrow Lab department within NECSTouR. This dedicated department focuses on assisting destinations in crafting data-driven policies aimed at nurturing a more sustainable tourism sector.
