23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Jesús Romero Leguina

Global Senior Manager for Audiences, AdTech & Applied Intelligence
Radisson Hotel Group
Jesús Romero Leguina

Jesús Romero’s educational journey began at the UCM, where he earned a B.Sc. degree in mathematical engineering. He then pursued a M.Sc. degree in computational and statistical information processing, showcasing his dedication to mathematics and data analysis.
In his professional career, he started as a data science consultant, providing valuable insights for businesses. He later transitioned to the field of digital marketing, gaining experience in data-driven automation and advanced analytics.
Today, while working towards a Ph.D. in telematics engineering at the UC3M, he serves as the Global Senior Manager for Audiences, AdTech & AI at Radisson. In this role, he plays a pivotal part in shaping the organization’s data and technology practices, focusing on enhancing business performance through mathematical models and cutting-edge technology.
Jesús bridges the worlds of data, technology, and business acumen, with expertise in online advertising and a passion for optimizing operations.
