23-25 OCT 2024 | SEVILLE-FIBES

Nagore Uresandi

CEO & Founder
Nagore Uresandi

Director and Founder of the tourism research and consultancy firm IN2destination, PhD in Business Competitiveness and Territorial Development, expert consultant for various multilateral organisations such as the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), United Nations International Trade Centre, among others; Vice President of the International Network for the measurement of sustainable tourism at the subnational level INRouTe, Lecturer at the University of Deusto, at the Basque Culinary Center and at Goldsmiths University of London.

She has almost two decades of experience in the tourism sector in measuring and planning sustainable, competitive and inclusive tourism in Europe, North and South America, Southeast Asia, and North Africa. She and her IN2destination team design, develop and operate Tourism Intelligence Systems /Observatories, measure Tourism Carrying Capacity for inhabited destinations, protected areas, etc., issue recommendations on how to measure the sustainability of tourism, how to evaluate the accessibility, design strategic planning for tourism destinations and implement participatory processes among many other expert services.
